Markets Served
Premium Finance Companies
The inability to collect unearned premium from insurers that become insolvent can cost Premium Finance Companies dearly, resulting in write-offs for their financial backers. Compounding this problem is pressure from agent/broker clients to often make rapid decisions on whether to provide financing for an unfamiliar insurer.
Premium Finance Companies
The ALIRT Service is designed to provide an instant picture of an insurer’s relative financial well-being, which, along with access to ALIRT’s team for additional feedback, gives premium finance companies more confidence when making these decisions. In addition, ALIRT’s quarterly analytical updates allow premium finance companies to chart the on-going financial health of all of their insurer counterparties, ensuring that they have the most up-to-date financial intelligence for their on-going due diligence needs.
To learn more about how ALIRT can support your carrier oversight needs, please contact us at
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