Markets Served


Many insurers enjoy a certain “self awareness’ from looking at their companies compared to peers in the same way their major market sectors are monitoring them for risk and financial performance.  As a result, marketing, competitive intelligence and investor relations departments find value in a relationship with ALIRT.  C-suite and Board level officers receive unbiased third party views into company performance trends, strengths and weaknesses and can be in a better position to tell their financial performance story and/or make adjustments to address shortcomings.

Knowing where your company ranks across a wide range of operational metrics can aid in “self awareness” at the board and/or executive management level.


A natural corollary to ALIRT’s work for distributors, institutional buyers, and analysts is competitive intelligence research for insurance companies themselves, delivered through our CPM Service. The same quantitative approach is applied to construct an in-depth comparative look at an insurer’s financial, operational, and investment performance relative to both its peers and the industry composite, whether in the life, property & casualty, or health insurance sectors.

Knowing where your company ranks across a wide range of operational metrics can aid in “self awareness” at the board and/or executive management level. It can also help companies more effectively interact with analysts, investors, creditors, rating agencies, auditors, regulators, distributors and customers.

In additional to its internal benchmarking service for insurers, ALIRT also offers a specific marketing tool, called an Insurer Marketing Report (IMR) which provides an insurer client with an independent, distributable review of its ALIRT analysis results versus key industry benchmarks.

To learn more about how ALIRT can help you and your clients increase gain a greater understanding of your company’s relative financial performance, please contact us at [email protected]

How can we simplify your oversight process?

Contact us to find out how ALIRT can meet the insurance carrier oversight or competitive intelligence needs of your business.