Markets Served


Individuals and institutions that purchase insurance and annuity products bear the ultimate risk of loss should these coverages fail to perform as intended. Because insurance coverage is essential to a healthy financial or estate plan – or for proper business planning – these insureds often look to key advisors for guidance on their insurance purchases. These trusted advisors include wealth managers/financial planners, lawyers, accountants, and a range of business consultants.

ALIRT Research has long been a resource for these advisors as they strive to provide critical, on-going intelligence to their clients on the subject of insurer financial strength.

Advisor clients include:

Wealth Managers/Financial Planners

Over the last decade, the financial planning community has seen a continued shift from a commission-based to a fee-based or hybrid compensation structure. A growing share of today’s financial advisors work for a Registered Investment Advisor, whether independently owned or embedded within a bank of broker/dealer.

Because wealth planning often includes sizeable insurance purchases for purposes of asset protection, business perpetuation, estate planning, and charitable giving, it is vital that the insurance products that your clients purchase function as intended.

Through its core ALIRT Service, ALIRT can help your clients maintain a level of comfort as regards the financial stability of their insurance company partners. To learn more, please contact us at [email protected].


Lawyers and/or accountants are critical advisors when it comes to assuring that an individual financial or business perpetuation plan is in place and functioning properly. Insurance often plays a central role in such plans and therefore it is in the interest of these advisors to provide advice and guidance around the policies and insurers utilized.

Lawyers and accountants have therefore long been keen to understand what ALIRT is seeing both in the overall markets as well as with individual insurers to which their clients may have direct exposure.

To learn more about how our core ALIRT Service can help your clients gain more comfort around their insurance company counterparties, please contact us at [email protected].

Pension Consultants

Rapid change in today’s pension environment has spurred innovative solutions from the insurance industry. Using annuities to meet long-term pension obligations within terminated defined benefit or on-going defined contribution plans represents an increasingly attractive option for business organizations.

The long-tail nature of these pension obligations, along with strict ERISA due care rules, makes the financial strength of the carriers that issue the policy contracts indispensable. Our 95-1 Termination Annuity Issuer Analysis and DC Plan Issuer Analysis services provide pension consultants with the tools they need to help corporate buyers of Termination and/or 401k Annuities track the relative financial strengths and weaknesses of their insurance company counterparties.

To learn more about how ALIRT can support your “arms length” due diligence efforts and meet ERISA due care requirements, please contact us at [email protected].

How can we simplify your oversight process?

Contact us to find out how ALIRT can meet the insurance carrier oversight or competitive intelligence needs of your business.