ALIRT Research – P&C Agency Carrier Oversight Best Practices

Introduction: ALIRT Research recently completed its annual round of visits to property & casualty broker/agency clients.  An important agenda item in such meetings is the review of financially stressed insurer partners.  As often occurs, clients are eager to know how their due diligence processes stack up against those of their peers.  Interest in their comparative […]

A.M. Best Negative Rating Actions 2023 – 1Q2024

It is now common knowledge that calendar year 2023 was a difficult one for property insurers, whether those focused on personal lines (homeowners and auto physical damage) or commercial lines (fire and/or commercial multi-peril) coverages.  The inflation overhang from a spike in costs across the economy starting in 2021, combined with an extension of large weather-related losses across a broader swath of the U.S. and a hardening of reinsurance rates/lack of reinsurance capacity, led to outsized underwriting and operating losses for a growing number of insurers exposed to property risks.  Especially hard hit were single-state and regional insurers with less geographical and line-of-business diversification.

ALIRT Research – State of the Underwriting Cycle as of 9M2023 Financial Filings

State of the Underwriting Cycle:  The Firming/Hard Market Celebrates 6 Years In our 30+ years of studying the U.S. P&C insurance market we have frankly never experienced a hard pricing cycle quite like the current one.  As shown on page 9, we are now in the 24th consecutive quarter of firming/hard pricing.  That’s six years […]