U.S. P&C Insurance Industry Market Overview

Highlights Below we provide full-year 2021 financial highlights for the ALIRT P&C Composite 1, based on insurers’ statutory financial statements. ALIRT Composite surplus rose 9.9% in 2021 as operating earnings of $23.6 billion were partly offset by $14.3 billion of net capital (surplus paid-in less shareholder dividends) upstreamed to parent organizations during the year. Net […]

The Lost Cost Trend and Inflation in the P&C Insurance Industry

To provide a bit of context, over the two decades decade an average 73% of every dollar of earned premium in the U.S. P&C market was spend on loss payments, which consist of Pure Losses (61%) and Loss Adjustment Expenses (LAE – 12%).  An additional 28% of each dollar was spent on general operating expenses, […]